We highly appreciate your interest in featuring Gambody 3D printing models and figurines on your aggregator website!
As for now we are already working with such 3D content aggregators as https://www.yeggi.com/, https://www.stlfinder.com/ and https://www.yobi3d.com/ and will gladly consider any new partnership offers!
So there are two alternative ways for you to integrate Gambody 3D printing designs to be found on your content aggregator.
1) You can use our RSS feed: https://www.gambody.com/feed or you can use your own crawler.
2) Or we have API for such companies as yours that can also be an alternative way you can work with our marketplace. Our API documentation you can find in the attachment in the PDF file.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at support@gambody.com if you happen to have any further questions.
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